Our Charities
We support the wonderful work of Starting Over Support, The Esther Foundation, Dress For Success, Direct Reach Ethiopia and Breast Cancer Care WA.
Starting Over Support (SOS) is a practical support agency of People Who Care, providing household items to those who have experienced Domestic Violence or Domestic Disruption.
The Esther Foundation facilitates an extensive and award winning young woman’s residential health, development and leadership program which provides intensive support for young women to be able to overcome life controlling struggles and issues in a safe, structured and supportive environment.
Dress for Success Perth is a registered charity that is part of a global movement of change, empowering women to obtain economic independence by providing them with work-appropriate attire, job support mentoring, access to career development workshops and a supportive network to enable them to move forward and achieve self sufficiency through gainful employment.
DRE is the Perth branch of Hope For Children Ethiopia (HFCOE), a local Ethiopian NGO that was established in November 2000 in response to the AIDS pandemic. The organisation provides community-based care and support to rejected children and disintegrating family structures. Their vision is to enable HIV/AIDS affected children and families to live with dignity in their local communities while ensuring that their basic needs are met.
Since 2000, Breast Cancer Care WA has provided specialist breast care nursing, counselling, and financial support to women and men affected by breast cancer, as well as their partners and families, throughout the WA community. We do not receive government funding and our services are provided free of charge.